About the AAUW Award

SRJC Petaluma and the Petaluma Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW Petaluma) are excited to offer a college woman an award to cover air fare, registration, programs, housing and food (total estimated at $1200) to participate in the NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR COLLEGE WOMEN STUDENT LEADERS (NCCWSL) at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD.

Every year hundreds of top college women join AAUW for three days of leadership training, inspiration, and networking. Now in its 34th year, the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders brings together world-class speakers, top brands, and hundreds of passionate and inspired college women who are eager to become the leaders of tomorrow. With more than 10,000 attendees over the conference’s history, this is the premier leadership event for college women in the United States and globally.


AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and outreach; its members come from approximately 200 colleges and universities! The Petaluma Branch was chartered in 1955 and currently has 160 members with diverse skills and backgrounds; numerous members have leadership roles throughout our community. AAUW members are found in all types of careers such as education, medicine, science, engineering, insurance and finance, politics, civil service and non-profits. Membership in AAUW is a great way to create positive societal change, have fun and make life-long friendships.

View this video on the history and mission of AAUW nationwideClick here to learn more about the Petaluma area AAUW chapter.

About the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders

This award will cover all the costs for one woman in leadership to attend the National Conference (estimated at $1200).  

Dates: May 30 - June 1, 2025

Location: University of Maryland, College Park

Includes: Travel/Airfare, Housing, Food, Conference fee, and associated costs for this trip to Washington, DC.

Further Information: Navigate to the Conference Website for detailed information

Requirements for the selected student:

  • Attend the conference fully, including optional trips selected by the student
  • Apply for the national scholarship by (date to be announced soon) and complete the registration form
  • Work with AAUW staff to make flight reservations
  • Sign liability waiver
  • After the trip, make a 2-3 minute video (perhaps using footage from your experience) to share on the website
  • Attend the Petaluma AAUW Fall Luncheon (early September) to speak about her experience

Application and Selection Process

Please complete the application on this website and submit by ***Friday, February 21, 2025*** 

Apply Now!

A selection committee comprised of the current AAUW Petaluma President or designee, an SRJC Petaluma Administrator, the AAUW Petaluma Community Projects Chair and an AAUW Petaluma member/liaison will review applications and conduct interviews.   

20-minute interviews will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2025.


Heard at NCCWSL