Academic Support Center
SRJC Petaluma is a full-service campus with many academic resources help students complete their classes with higher grades. In addition to the resources below, we strongly encourage students to meet with their instructors during office hours, develop supportive study partnerships with other students, and stay on campus to study to minimize distractions.

Petaluma Tutorial Center
...provides free tutoring in most academic areas. The Tutorial Center is staffed by Instructional Assistants who are experts in their subject areas. Tutoring is provided in a safe individual and small group setting.

Writing Center
...provides free writing tutoring for all academic areas. Tutorial assistance is provided by English department faculty and instructional assistants. Instructors work with students on the full range of the elements of composition, including brainstorming, thesis development, essay organization, paragraphing, topic sentences, style, clarity, coherence, MLA documentation format, research techniques, mechanics, grammar and punctuation.

Mahoney Library
Drop in or make an appointment with a librarian to get research assistance at the Reference Desk! Need study space for a group project? Book a private room for a group study session.

Calculator & Laptop Loan Programs
The Mahoney Library has calculators, laptops, and other electronic gadgets and cords available for check out at the circulation desk! Swing by and get equipped for the semester!

Puente Program
Spanish for "bridge", Puente is a national award-winning program that prepares educationally underserved students to earn college degrees and return to the community as mentors and leaders.

Printing on Campus
Cybear Center is a student copy resource center. Our services include: color and black & white copies, scanning, laminating, transparencies, faxing, internet access, document handling options, local phone use, and free workstations supplied with staples, hole-punches, paper cutters, white out, pens and pencils, markers, paper clips, tape and glue.
Located in Welcome and Connect Center PC 500.
Mahoney Library Print and Copy Center--First Floor